Caracterí­sticas do indiví­duo, do ambiente e da tarefa e a regra tamanho da trave no futsal nas categorias adulto, Sub-07 e Sub-09

  • Itamar Adriano Tagliari Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brasil.
  • Erick Cleison de Araujo Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brasil.
Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento motor, Variabilidade, Complexidade, Crescimento físico, Oportunidade


Understanding the process of children's participation in the futsal modality becomes necessary, as the application of the rules evidences influences on the child's development. The objective is to investigate the characteristics of the individual, the environment and the task, with emphasis on the size of the beam rule in futsal adult category, Sub-07 and Sub-09 years of age. The study is characterized by being descriptive and documental. The Futsal Rulebook of the Brazilian Indoor Soccer Confederation was analyzed. The analysis category was the size of the beam. The category was analyzed based on the characteristics of the individual (motor behavior and physical growth), the environment (opportunity and stimulation) and the task (complexity and rules) and their interconnections, according to the Newell Model. The results indicate that the beam size variable is the same in the adult category rules and in the Sub-07 and Sub-09 categories. It is concluded that the adaptation of the beam in a smaller size becomes necessary, as it accompanies the physical growth of the children, evidences greater variability of the motor behavior, in addition, it can favor the strategies of the game. The change in this rule becomes important, as it highlights opportunities and stimuli for the child to practice futsal, aiming to favor their development.


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Como Citar
Tagliari, I. A., & Araujo, E. C. de. (2021). Caracterí­sticas do indiví­duo, do ambiente e da tarefa e a regra tamanho da trave no futsal nas categorias adulto, Sub-07 e Sub-09. RBFF - Revista Brasileira De Futsal E Futebol, 12(50), 601-606. Obtido de
Artigos: Edição Especial