Analysis of the offensive actions that resulted in goals at the female futsal university world fifth 2016

  • Jéssica de Sousa Universidade Pitágoras Unopar, Telêmaco Borba, Paraná, Brasil.
  • Mylena Aparecida Rodrigues Alves Universidade Federal do Paraná, Paraná, Brasil.
  • Monica Helena Neves Pereira Pinheiro Universidade de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil.
Keywords: Female Futsal, Goal, World Cup, Technique, Tactic


Female futsal is on the rise in its popularity and in the tactical quality presented by the players. As a result, technical and tactical actions have been improved for better use and efficiency of the teams during a match. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyse the offensive actions, location of the court, distance and time of match in which they resulted in goals, together with a quantitative analysis of the kicks at the Quinto Campeonato Mundial Universitário de Futsal Feminino de 2016. The sample consisted of the four final matchs at the Quinto Campeonato Mundial Universitário de Futsal Feminino de 2016 and was characterized as an observational, cross-sectional and descriptive survey. In all, it scored 209 goals in 27 matches, of which only 19 (9.1%) corresponded to the four matches analyzed in this research. The highest goal rate occurred in the final 15 minutes, already in relation to the distance where the goals occurred the sector 2 of the court (central) and the distance of up to 10 meters from the goal was the area that generated the most goals, as for the offensive actions that resulted in goals, the attack built was the situation that generated the most goals (42.1%), followed by the counter-attacks (26.3%) and the lateral in the set pieces (18.8%). In relation to the kicks, the present study observed that the results did not corroborate with the literature, thus suggesting future researches that can analyze with more understanding the relation between technical quantities (kicks, passes and disarms) with the result of the female futsal competition.


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How to Cite
Sousa, J. de, Alves, M. A. R., & Pinheiro, M. H. N. P. (2021). Analysis of the offensive actions that resulted in goals at the female futsal university world fifth 2016. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 12(49), 420-427. Retrieved from
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