The Influence of goalkeeper-line in results the game futsal

  • Newton Ribeiro Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho Futebol e Futsal as ciências do esporte e Metodologia do Treinamento
Keywords: Futsal, Result interference in futsal, Line goalkeeper, Game system


Objective: This work aims to answer whether there was the influence of the goalkeeper row in the result of a game of futsal, if interfered with the outcome of the game. Literature review: Because there are few materials found on this subject, and also because such rules are often changed, we found many references that addressed the issue goalkeeper -online. Much of the material found in journals on Internet sites. Materials and methods: We set out to analyze a game, creating a table notes that quantified the holdings of the goalkeeper-line and its effectiveness in health and progression of the game your team. Results: In the games we see observed the direct participation of goalkeeper during the match, but were playing at specific times, eg, maintaining possession of the ball or balls of security. Discussion: The action interfered with the goalie-line matches, the outcome of the game, the teams that used this system of play at times in need of a better outcome in the game, to make, and reached the goal was to win or least tie the game. With the exception of CBA team (Carlos Barbosa), than playing against good team of Jaragua, well trained to suffer leakage of the opposing teams that acted with the goalkeeper-line did notreach the expected effect, so do not succeeding.


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How to Cite
Ribeiro, N. (2012). The Influence of goalkeeper-line in results the game futsal. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 3(9). Retrieved from
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