Assessment of physical fitness from nominal physiological control Theoretical: maximum estimated heart rate (HREF) and maximum oxygen consumption (vo2max) in players of the U-20 category grass sports team in the competitive period

  • Huber Yovanny Cuaspa Burgos Facultad de Educación, Programa Licenciatura en Educación Fí­sica, Universidad CESMAG, Colombia.
  • José Eduardo López Revelo Facultad de Educación, Programa Licenciatura en Educación Fí­sica, Universidad CESMAG, Colombia.
Keywords: Aerobic resistance, Heart rate, Maximum consume oxygen


The investigation arises from the need to analyze the aerobic endurance in the competitive period in the players of the Sports team Pasto sub 20 category, because currently the trainers and physical trainers of the teams give more importance to the anaerobic endurance that aerobics. Taking into account the above, the study was oriented under the epistemological and methodological guidelines of the positivist school of thought, from a non-experimental design, and the techniques of information collection applied were functional morpho tests (pre-active assessment , 12 minute test or Cooper). The study in question, allows to present the analysis of physiological control of the variables Estimated Maximum Heart Rate (FCME) and maximum consumption (VO2 Max), whose results were for the (FCME) of 177.9 beats per minute and the result obtained in the investigative process has a group arithmetic mean represented at 184 ppm with a standard deviation of ± 6.73 ppm; They determine a very significant difference, because they are within the ranges reached in the study. And as for the maximum oxygen consumption of 49.9 mll / kg / min in its VO2 Max, it could be interpreted that a difference prevails between players of different competitive levels to the results achieved. As the VO2 Max values for these players are according to what is reported by the literature between average values of 58 and 70 ml / kg / min. However, the values obtained in this investigation are in a lower limit of the range established by the variable, ± 8.1 and ± 20 ml / kg / min of oxygen consumption.

Author Biographies

Huber Yovanny Cuaspa Burgos, Facultad de Educación, Programa Licenciatura en Educación Fí­sica, Universidad CESMAG, Colombia.

Director y Docente investigador Grupo Cooper; Facultad de Educación, Programa Licenciatura en Educación Fí­sica, Universidad; CESMAG, Colombi, Colombiaa; Magí­ster en Actividad Fí­sica y Deporte: ênfasis en Entrenamiento Deportivo, Universidad Autônoma de Manizales UAM, Colombia; Especialista en Biometodologí­a del Entrenamiento Deportivo, Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales UDCA, Colombia; Especialista en Valoración de la Condición Física en la Educación Infantil, Centro de Estudios de Postgrado Euroinnova Business School, Colombia; Licenciado en Educación Fí­sica, Institución Universitaria CESMAG, Colombia.

José Eduardo López Revelo, Facultad de Educación, Programa Licenciatura en Educación Fí­sica, Universidad CESMAG, Colombia.

Docente investigador Grupo Cooper, Colombia; Facultad de Educación, Programa Licenciatura en Educación Fí­sica, Universidad CESMAG, Colombia; Magí­ster en Docencia, Especialista en Actividad Física Terapêutica, Institución Universitaria Escuela Nacional del Deporte, Colombia; Licenciado en Educación Fí­sica, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Colombia.


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How to Cite
Burgos, H. Y. C., & Revelo, J. E. L. (2020). Assessment of physical fitness from nominal physiological control Theoretical: maximum estimated heart rate (HREF) and maximum oxygen consumption (vo2max) in players of the U-20 category grass sports team in the competitive period. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 12(47), 142-152. Retrieved from
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