A day at the "casa" colorada and gremista: identity and representation in a gúcho football stadium

  • Viní­cius Triches Universidad Argentina John. F. Kennedy (UK), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Keywords: Football, Fan, Behavior, Stadium, Identity


Football, as a symbolic object of permanent social interest, has in its clubs, along with the national teams, the most important elements of perception of its identity, behavior and representation. In this respect, the stadium of your "heart club" is a sacred environment for the fan. Within this context, the objective of this paper was to present the main psychosocial contexts and the similarities and particularities of a football stadium on a match day, based on the two main clubs of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Sport Club Internacional and Grêmio Foot-Ball Porto Alegrense) and their fans (colorados and gremistas, respectively). Systematic observation was made in a match of each club during the second round of the 2016 First Division Brazilian Championship, where it was sought to identify the main forms of expression of the identity and behavior of the fan. It was noticed that the visitation to Grêmio and Internacional stadiums led to a greater understanding of the fans in their "natural habit", that is, an environment where there is total freedom for them to express their actions and expressions that eventually represent the different meanings of your club membership.


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How to Cite
Triches, V. (2020). A day at the "casa" colorada and gremista: identity and representation in a gúcho football stadium. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 12(47), 52-66. Retrieved from https://www.rbff.com.br/index.php/rbff/article/view/879
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