Analysis of the influence of technical-tactical actions on the performance of futsal teams through scout

  • Matheus Vazquez Nascimento Universidade Metropolitana de Santos, Santos-SP, Brasil.
Keywords: Futsal, Scout, Tackles


Introduction: The scout is a report with several data, numbers and observations that provide feedback on situations that occur throughout the match and that have been used in futsal. It is a tool that can assist the technical committee to observe the team's performance through these statistics, so if the technical committee knows how to use this data, they can use it in order to improve the team's performance. Objective: The objective of this research is to analyze whether a better performance of the technical-tactical actions collected through the scout results in the victory of a team in futsal and which technical-tactical action can influence and be decisive for the victory of a team. Materials and Methods: 28 games of the Paulista Futsal Championship were analyzed by video, scouting all these games using a spreadsheet with technical-tactical actions and an application for collecting ball possession. The variables analyzed were: possession of the ball, finishes and tackling. Result: After the analysis we saw that the teams that won the matches had a greater number of tackles: 27.2 ± 3.9, and a greater number of finishes: 18.6 ± 5.1, but did not have a greater number of possession of the ball: 49.40% ± 6.70%, in relation to the teams that lost, who had a number of tackles: 22.3 ± 4, finishing: 14.9 ± 3.6 and possession: 50.60% ± 6.70%. Conclusion: However, we can conclude that the technical-tactical actions, finishing and disarming, can be the actions that most influence the victory of a team in a futsal match. Ball possession, on the other hand, did not show any significant influence on the positive performance of the teams, and may not be an extremely important factor in futsal.

Author Biography

Matheus Vazquez Nascimento, Universidade Metropolitana de Santos, Santos-SP, Brasil.

Auxiliar Técnico e Analista de Desempenho do Ocian Praia Clube, clube de futsal que disputa a Primeira Divisão do Campeonato Paulista de Futsal, Brasil.


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How to Cite
Nascimento, M. V. (2020). Analysis of the influence of technical-tactical actions on the performance of futsal teams through scout. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 12(47), 46-51. Retrieved from
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