The forms of relationship and communication between gremium and international and their twisted: the importance of the traditional magazine printed printed

  • Ancilla Dall'Onder Zat Faculdade da Serra Gaúcha (FSG), Bento Gonçalves-RS, Brasil.
  • Viní­cius Triches Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy (UK), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Keywords: Club, Football, Communication, Fan, Magazine


The printed magazine of the football club is a traditional element of the permanent relationship, with a focus on communication, between the associations and their supporters. In this perspective, we sought to present the main forms of social expression that Internacional and Grêmio use or used to communicate with their fans through the official magazine of the club. Secondary sources of data were searched through a bibliographical research, characterized by media ("Magazine of the Inter" and "Magazine 1903"), in order to identify elements that represent the forms and representations of the official relationship between the club and its twisted It was noted that there are evident similarities in the presentation of the magazines of both clubs, and the purpose of both seems to be an ongoing need to strengthen the affective bonds with their fans, especially those who are associated.


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How to Cite
Zat, A. D., & Triches, V. (2020). The forms of relationship and communication between gremium and international and their twisted: the importance of the traditional magazine printed printed. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 11(46), 674-680. Retrieved from
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