The variations in the use of tactics of futsal goalkeepers lines there’s no change the result of the games São Paulo Cup

  • André Henrique Barbosa Aires Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho - Futebol e Futsal: As Ciências do Esporte e a Metodologia do Treinamento
Keywords: Futsal, Tactical scheme, Tactical variation, Line goalkeeper


Since the futsal as a team sport where the goalkeeper has a function of paramount importance in futsal but requires it to be anexpert, that’s why it’s the main subject of this study. Therefore, this study aims to collect and analyze variations in the use of tactics of futsalgoalkeepers line there’s no change in the score? If it occurs in a positive or negative way, when the goalkeeper and most commonly used online (score unfavorable, favorable or tie), based on the games Sao Paulo cup youth category in 2009 -SP, through sheet of observation (Scout), collecting data through observations. Making a review in literature and found Couto Souza (2004) that says in recent years the rules of futsal have been changing, with important repercussion in the performance of the goalkeeper. Initially, the goalkeeper had his goal area free to score goals. Later the goalkeeper was not allowed do use the hands to receive the ball from his companions, being forced to play with the feet. At last, the most significant change for the goalkeeper function, was the permission to play outside of his goal area with the feet, becoming the fifth player to participate actively in the tactics organization of the team. So this team has changed a lot its performance tactically and futsalbecame more offensive. For this study it was used a material was used as a worksheet as a material created for observations of entry and exit of the goalkeeper at the start line with the results found some tables were made that facilitated our discussion and it was measured through the sheet of observation, then we could conclude that input line of the goalkeeper is characterized mostly when the team has an unfavorable table score.


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How to Cite
Aires, A. H. B. (2012). The variations in the use of tactics of futsal goalkeepers lines there’s no change the result of the games São Paulo Cup. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 3(8). Retrieved from
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