What can coaches do? The relationship between substituion and results of professional soccer matches

  • Fábio Saraiva Flôres Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria-RS, Brasil
  • Daniela Lopes dos Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria-RS, Brasil
  • Guilherme Rosso Carlson Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria-RS, Brasil
  • Eugenio Zanette Gelain Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria-RS, Brasil
Keywords: Soccer, Tournaments, Match analysis, Substitution


The purpose of this study was to analyze the relation between substitutions and results of football matches in championships and national Cups. One hundred and twenty-nine championship matches and 129 national Cups matches were analyzed (258 in total), which occurred during the 2016-2017 season in 16 countries. Away and home games were analyzed. During the championships, 737 player substitutions were made and 721 substitutions in national cups. The match reports were analyzed to collect data, and the ANOVA was used to compare the analyzed tournaments. The results showed that the substitute players scored 10,76% of all goals, corresponding to 26,19% of the goals scored after the first substitution. In the National Cups, the substitute players were responsible for 10% of the goals scored, which corresponded to 24,84% of the goals scored after the first substitution. The teams playing in championships had more goals scored after the first substitution (p=0,013), after the third substitution (p=0,008), and after all substitutions (p=0,000), comparing to the teams playing in national cups. This research showed the importance that the players` substitutions have in modern football, becoming an indispensable strategy. Finally, the substitutions seems to be essential to coaches improve team performance.

Author Biography

Fábio Saraiva Flôres, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria-RS, Brasil

Licenciado e Bacharel em Educação Fí­sica

Mestre em Educação Fí­sica

Doutorando em Motricidade Humana


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How to Cite
Flôres, F. S., Santos, D. L. dos, Carlson, G. R., & Gelain, E. Z. (2019). What can coaches do? The relationship between substituion and results of professional soccer matches. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 11(43), 215-222. Retrieved from https://www.rbff.com.br/index.php/rbff/article/view/745
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