The bicycle and side volley kicks in soccer: a systematical review

  • Rafael Toshio Bagatin Center of Research, Education, Innovation and Intervention in Sport (CIFI2D). Faculty of Sports, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Soccer, Kinematics, Bicycle kick, Volley kick, Biomechanics


As an important indicator of success kick is the most studied action in soccer. In scientific researches there are related different types of kicks, two of it, are bicycle and volley kick. In soccer the biomechanical analysis are used to define the efficiency of performance of specific kicks. The present study aimed to examine the current methods employed to analyze, from a kinematical perspective, the bicycle and volley kick in soccer as well as to elicit the main findings of recent studies. The present study was realized according to the recommendations stated in the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis Statement, PRISMA. The articles searches were made in 5 scientific databases: PubMed, Scopus, B-on, Web of Science and Sport Discus. Afterwards, two articles citing the included papers were identified through a search in Google Scholar Six relevant papers published in the period 2000-2017 were selected based upon inclusion and eligibility criteria. Six relevant papers published in the period 2005-2016 were selected based upon inclusion and eligibility criteria. Among the studies analyzed, all examined soccer kicks via electronical motion capture upper to 100 Hz which tracked reflective markers on the subjects' body and on the soccer ball. In this review, the volley kick, or side volley kick or side-facing bicycle was the most technic analyzed. To be successful, soccer players must adapt their body movement according to varied ball heights and velocities. Side volley appears the most effective kick compared with bicycle kick.

Author Biography

Rafael Toshio Bagatin, Center of Research, Education, Innovation and Intervention in Sport (CIFI2D). Faculty of Sports, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Graduado Bacharel em Educação Física - UFPR

Cursando Pós-Graduação em Fisiologia do Exercício - UFPR

Cursando Pós-Graduação em Futebol e Futsal - UGF


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How to Cite
Bagatin, R. T. (2020). The bicycle and side volley kicks in soccer: a systematical review. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 11(44), 314-318. Retrieved from
Scientific Articles - Original