Physiological and nutritional aspects applied to women's football

  • Daniel dos Santos Universidade de Franca (UNIFRAN), Franca-SP, Brasil
  • David Michel de Oliveira Unidade Especial de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Jataí­-GO, Brasil
  • Gabriel Franco Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (FMRP), Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão Preto-SP, Brasil. Universidade de Franca (UNIFRAN), Franca-SP, Brasil
Keywords: Women's football, Intensity, Nutritional deficiency, Performance, Health


Women's football has been gaining popularity in the country due to important achievements of the Brazilian team. Due to its physiological characteristics, physical abilities, technical and tactical aspects, this sport presents high energetic and nutritional demand. Therefore, studies that address the association of the physiological characteristics and nutritional deficiencies of women's football would be extremely important. Therefore, the objective of the study was to review in the scientific literature on the physiological and nutritional aspects of football that provide information for researchers and professionals. A study of narrative literature review was carried out through scientific articles consulted and selected in Pubmed and Scielo databases. 69 articles were selected and analyzed. Football is a sport with an intermittent characteristic, with rapid and sudden motor changes and decisions using strength, power and aerobic endurance to go long distance at the end of the game. Its metabolic pathway is triggered according to the athlete's position, tactical distribution and intensity of play, such demands increase energy demand, however when this energy supply is not attended to athletes result in nutritional deficiencies and micronutrients that interfere in performance and health of athletes. To do so, nutritional assessment and estimation of the energy expenditure performed by direct and indirect methods associated to the analysis of biochemical markers are indicated for the elaboration of nutritional programs to meet the need of energy and nutritional demands of physical training and official competitions, health of female football players.


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How to Cite
Santos, D. dos, de Oliveira, D. M., & Franco, G. (2019). Physiological and nutritional aspects applied to women’s football. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 11(43), 279-290. Retrieved from
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