Test Carminatti's vs. Cycle ergometer test: differences in the deflection point of the heart rate in futsal players

  • Aldo Vasquez Bonilla Departamento de Educación Fí­sica, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Keywords: Maximum oxygen consumption, Body composition, Physical performance, Anaerobic threshold


Background: Assessment the physical performance in athletes through stress tests is always of interest to doctors and trainers for the control training, the aim of this study is to analyze the differences in an intermittent field test (Carminatti's test) and a traditional laboratory test through the estimation of the anaerobic threshold measured bythe deflection point of the heart rate (PDFC).Method: The sample was 16 Honduran players from the futsal university team. Indirect measurements were made of energy metabolism and body composition, as well as the assessment of heart rate during the two tests. The kruskal-wallis test and the Spearmean correlation was used for the comparison and relationship between variables.Results: During the Carminatti's test the PDFC is greater than a cycle ergometer test (170 ± 14,7 ppm vs.177 ± 15,9 ppm P <0,01). It was also found that the muscle weight (kg) affect the PDFC during the Carminatti's test 12 Km / h (r = -0.79 p <0.05), also the PDFC in the cycle ergometer test is affected by body mass index 185w (r: -0.62 / p: 0.02). Together, the PDFC is related tothe maximum oxygen consumption obtained in the cycle ergometer test (r= 0.74, p <0.03).Conclusions: The Carminatti's test is presented as a specific, effective and low-cost test to evaluate the performance through PDFC in futsal university players.

Author Biography

Aldo Vasquez Bonilla, Departamento de Educación Fí­sica, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Profesor del departamento de Universidad Pedagogica Nacional Francisco Morazán.

Entrenador de selección universitaria de Futsal

coordinador de laboratorio de fisiologia del ejercicio



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How to Cite
Bonilla, A. V. (2019). Test Carminatti’s vs. Cycle ergometer test: differences in the deflection point of the heart rate in futsal players. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 11(42), 129-137. Retrieved from https://www.rbff.com.br/index.php/rbff/article/view/728
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