Evaluation of the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max.) of futsal players from the Galeras club in the 2018 pre-season

  • Huber Yovanny Cuaspa Burgos Facultad de Educación, Institución Universitaria CESMAG, Colombia
Keywords: Futsal, Oxygen consumption (VO2max.), Preseason


The objective of this study was to assess the cardiorespiratory profile that estimates the oxygen consumption of the athletes who, by call, would make up the team of futsal players of the Galeras Club of the City of San Juan de Pasto. In this study, 40 players were evaluated with an average age of 17.20 ± 1.043 years, over a minimum age range of 16 and a maximum of 19 years, an average body mass index of 23.51 ± 2.862 (kg/m ), an average resting heart rate of 71.60 ± 4.464 (ppm) and an estimated maximum heart rate of 196.16 ± 0.666 (ppm). To assess the oxygen consumption of the players, the Cooper Test was used, and according to the comparison of the oxygen consumption with the playing position, it was found that the lateral players present a higher consumption represented by 56.78 ± 4.425 (ml/kg/min.), with respect to goalkeepers 49.18 ± 4.872 (ml/kg/min.), pivots 48.48 ± 3.315 (ml/kg/min.) and goalkeepers 39.43 ± 3, 086 (ml/kg/min.) respectively. In addition, the results show that the players, at the beginning of the preseason, present an average oxygen consumption of 50.26 ± 7.143 (ml/kg/min.) equivalent to an excellent level of aerobic capacity, however the estimated level of contrast oxygen consumption that (2.5%) of the players is with a regular capacity, (15%) with medium aerobic capacity, one (40%) with good aerobic capacity and the remaining (42.5%) have excellent aerobic capacity. Finally, the multivariate correlation analysis confirms that a highly significant correlation prevails between the oxygen consumption variable and the distance traveled. However, there is no relationship between the oxygen consumption variable and age and body mass index.


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How to Cite
Burgos, H. Y. C. (2019). Evaluation of the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max.) of futsal players from the Galeras club in the 2018 pre-season. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 11(42), 90-104. Retrieved from https://www.rbff.com.br/index.php/rbff/article/view/722
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