Multiple Linear Regression Applied to football

  • Bruno Melo da Silva Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)
Keywords: Data collect, Data presentation, Football, Data analysis


Predetermine the outcome of the Brazilian championship in 2017, through a regression model 2016. Looking through the Excel 2007 software and R-Studio, the second responsible for finding the best equation among the variables with a p-value (0, 05) and achieved a R² = 93.09%, which were obtained through the Professional Soccer Statistics System (FootStat Premium). Using the first twenty-seven rounds of the year to be set in the found formula, one can observe the estimated table, where it should take into consideration that the work is done by medium and a change can change your estimated position and so was observed in some clubs after the end of the championship. Thus it was obtained two forecast tables where the first with all the variables and the second with three, so finding similar results and even certain, however as expected some teams that have improved the average at the end of the season achieved better positions than planned.

Author Biography

Bruno Melo da Silva, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Graduando em Ciências Atuariais


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How to Cite
da Silva, B. M. (2018). Multiple Linear Regression Applied to football. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 10(38), 262-270. Retrieved from
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