Analysis of stress level of the futsal referee from the region of Londrina, Parana

  • Murilo Luiz Burim Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina-PR, Brasil
  • Arli Ramos de Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina-PR, Brasil
Keywords: Sport psychology, Sport, Psychological stress


The referee coexists with threats, conflicts, pressures and fear of making mistakes in the search to ensure compliance with the rules of the game. Situations that might cause stress and impair their performance. Thus, the aim was to characterize the stress level of the referees from the region of Londrina, Parana belonging to the Paranaense Futsal Federation. 28 referees with a mean age of 33.2(±6,3) years were participed. The instruments were the questionnaires "The 2015 Brazil Criterion" and "The Psychic Stress Test of Sports Games Referees with/without contact". For analysis was aplicated the Wilcoxon Test; Pearson Correlation Coefficient; Chi-Square and Fisher's exact test (p≤0,05). There isn't significant diferences and correlations between variables and dimensions, except the socioeconomic level in the psychological dimension (p=0.034). "Disorganized competition" and "Lack of safety to arrive and mainly return to home" have the highest means of perceived stress. The stress development is independente of age, sex, experience, level of performance or schooling. The perception of stress is variable and individual. Referee with better average house incoming have lower stress indexes.


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How to Cite
Burim, M. L., & de Oliveira, A. R. (2018). Analysis of stress level of the futsal referee from the region of Londrina, Parana. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 10(38), 252-261. Retrieved from
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