The importance of the presence of parents in sports initiation: the case of football
The presence of parents, participation and their behaviors are considered extremely important factors in the development process of children, especially in childhood and adolescence. The purpose of this study was to analyze the importance of parents in the sports life of their children in a sports initiation project. Participating in the study were 15 parents who have their children in a football school in the municipality of Piraju-SP, aged between 7 and 12 years. This research was a unique approach study and in the transversal method, in which the Questionnaire for Parents was applied (Verardi, 2004). The results proved to be very satisfactory in that it was identified that the parents are actually present in their children's games and maintain a very good contact regarding conversations after the games and seek to explain in a coherent and encouraging way their children about competition, or lose, how to behave in the field. The study also found that 43% of parents stay on game days, and many say they are looking for more sports so their child can have a good social relationship with other children. Most see the sport for the future, as 69% say they want their child to become a footballer. It is concluded that the participation of parents in the sports and social life of the children has a very important importance for their development in sports and also in the course of their lives.
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