Effect of maximum strength training on motor performance in the Jump Test and 1RM tests in Futsal athletes

  • Jackson Faustino Ferreira Prefeitura Municipal de Juatuba MG. Secretaria de Esporte e Lazer
  • Braúlio Pereira Alves Prefeitura Municipal de Juatuba. Secretaria de Esporte e Lazer. Centro de Aperfeiçoamento Técnico Motor CAT
  • Denise Alves Gomes Prefeitura Municipal de Juatuba. Secretaria de Esporte e Lazer
Keywords: Performance, Force, Physical training, Body composition


The aim of this study was to evaluate and analyze the development of strength athletes in the city of Juatuba MG. The group was formed by 09 athletes of futsal born in 1998 and 1999 (202.6 ± 6.18 months old). The athletes were submitted to the motor ratings as the vertical jump test without the use of arms (IVS) and the 1RM test in the extensor bench and guided bar. Body composition included the evaluation of body fat skinfold Yuhasz 09 / Faulkner (1968) and obtain body mass index (BMI). The subjects were also subjected to two weeks of maximal strength training two days a week and then re-evaluated to measure their strength gains in the lower limbs. The results are shown in their most significant statistically mainly in the extensor bench and guided bar. We conclude that strength training microcycle for lower limbs is effective to gain strength in the lower limbs in active athletes and can therefore improve the sporting performance of the same.

Author Biographies

Jackson Faustino Ferreira, Prefeitura Municipal de Juatuba MG. Secretaria de Esporte e Lazer

Coordenador do Centro de Aperfeiçoamento Técnico Motor, da Secretaria de Esporte do municí­pio de Juatuba MG. Bacharel e Licenciado em Educação Fí­sica (Universidade de Itaúna MG), Especialista em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio (Universidade Veiga de Almeida RJ) e em Psicomotricidade (Faculdade Vale do Cricarí ES).

Braúlio Pereira Alves, Prefeitura Municipal de Juatuba. Secretaria de Esporte e Lazer. Centro de Aperfeiçoamento Técnico Motor CAT

Eduacdor Fí­sico, Univesidade de Itaúna.

Denise Alves Gomes, Prefeitura Municipal de Juatuba. Secretaria de Esporte e Lazer

Fisioterapeuta Especialista em Ortopedia.


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How to Cite
Ferreira, J. F., Alves, B. P., & Gomes, D. A. (2017). Effect of maximum strength training on motor performance in the Jump Test and 1RM tests in Futsal athletes. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 9(34), 314-319. Retrieved from https://www.rbff.com.br/index.php/rbff/article/view/512
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