Football for people with disabilities and their adaptations in the football country

  • Rafael Estevam Reis Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Fernando Marinho Mezzadri Universidade Federal do Paraná
Keywords: Football, Parasport, Adaptations


In Brazil, football is the most practiced sport and it concentrates a good part of the attention of the practitioners and spectators. It is possible understand it as a social phenomenon and an important element of Brazilian culture. Regarding to this, many people with disabilities seek in football an opportunity for sports practice. The aim of this work is to present the adaptations of football for people with disabilities and to understand the inclusive phenomenon of football through the Parasport. It was analyzed six modalities, five-a-side football, seven-a-side football, amputee football, football for the mentally handicapped, football for the hearing impaired and Power football or football for wheelchair users. It was concluding that the adapted sport sports modalities allow the inclusion of people with some type of disability.


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How to Cite
Reis, R. E., & Mezzadri, F. M. (2017). Football for people with disabilities and their adaptations in the football country. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 9(35), 361-368. Retrieved from
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