The state of knowledge about the knowledge in the training of football and futsal coach

  • Caio Cesar Portugal Universidade Vila Velha
  • Murilo Eduardo dos Santos Nazario Universidade Vila Velha
Keywords: Football, Coach, Profession


Little has been discussed about the knowlwdge required for the formation of the sports coach, in particular football and futsal, this can be a result of a tradition in the area that still considers as central technical training reflections-tactical and physical preparation. Thus, the present research is born the following question: What have been the interests in journals football and futsal area to discuss about knowledge in the formation of the coach? The central objective is to present the knowledge required for the formation of the sports coach of football and futsal. To this end, has developed a study of quali-quantitative basis, divided into two phases, the first was a documentary research, in the area of physical education journals and football, bolstered by Bibliometric indicators. With this methodological incursion was possible to verify that the coach has been the subject of little interest, there are no authors that publish constantly on this topic. and up-to-date analyses. Notice also, that the data collection instruments most used value narrative of the subject involved. Finally, these results will contribute to the second phase of the study will be an explanatory research with the football and futsal trainers of greater Vitória.


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How to Cite
Portugal, C. C., & Nazario, M. E. dos S. (2017). The state of knowledge about the knowledge in the training of football and futsal coach. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 9(34), 298-307. Retrieved from
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