Outlook for the feminine football: a study from Pelotas / Phoenix

  • Martina Gonçalves Burch Costa Universidade Federal de Pelotas-Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul
Keywords: Professionalization, Pelotas/Phoenix, Women's football


The conducted study addresses some issues concerning the history of women's football, to gender issues and the prospects of organization and professionalism. For this study, we used as empirical reference the Pelotas club / Phoenix, the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. The methodology followed the parameters of qualitative methodologies, based on a case study approach. We conducted semi-structured interviews with four athletes in the current group, plus an interview with a former athlete and another with technical team and project coordinator. In conclusion, we emphasize mainly the fact that although you can identify that in recent years there has been a reduction of gender bias in women's football, it remains a sport that is placed on the edge of the clubs, federations and other bodies competent. Thus, in the short term, he will struggle to be able to structure and consolidate as a professional sport.


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How to Cite
Costa, M. G. B. (2016). Outlook for the feminine football: a study from Pelotas / Phoenix. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 8(31), 379-386. Retrieved from https://www.rbff.com.br/index.php/rbff/article/view/502
Articles: Special Edition