Comparative study between the expectations attributed and the attitude of the family in an educational space in under 7s school football
The educational intentions of school football are evidenced by studies that reported aggressive and inappropriate behavior when the competition appears. In this space, the importance of the family emerges as exemplary actors. The pedagogical discourse of trainers and adults must be consistent with the attitudes that they show during football matches to provide a stable and rich educational environment. This study aims to contrast the expectations attributed to under 7s football by the family and their attitudes when the school sport competition appears. The Case Study design ethnographic mode is structured from the fieldwork of the participant observation and qualitative data in the image, expressly authorized for his dissemination In addition, the questionnaire (N=134, 63 women and 71 men) allows descriptive deepening on the relatives of the children. Eight football teams of children between six and seven years participate in the study. The results show discrepancies between expectations and intentions attributed to football as a school sport and the attitudes evidenced in football matches, especially when the competition emerges. The educational implications of this study alert of the importance for establishing coherent and common lines of actions between the different educational agents involved in the school football.
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