Incidence of gols in the 2014 world cup of football

  • Anna Gabriela Silva Vilela Ribeiro Centro Universitário de Itajubá-FEPI
  • Lucas Ricardo Teodoro Centro Universitário de Itajubá-FEPI
  • Alexandre de Souza e Silva Centro Universitário de Itajubá-FEPI
  • Ronaldo Júlio Baganha Centro Universitário de Itajubá-FEPI
  • José Jonas Oliveira Centro Universitário de Itajubá-FEPI
  • Fábio Vieira Lacerda Centro Universitário de Itajubá-FEPI
Keywords: Football, Spatio-temporal analysis, Game periods


Introduction: Football is a sport characterized by predictable activities could favor the teams that draw up strategies due to the opposing team. The goal is the most important time variable football game, however, there are few studies that analyze the incidence of goals in World Cups. Objective: The objective of the study was to analyze the incidence of temporal goals in the World Cup 2014. Materials and methods: For data collection was used the site Four Four Two®. It analyzed the goals in the 64 matches of the World Cup 2014. Results: The observed results show that there was a significant difference between the last period of the first half to the last sentence of the second half. Conclusion: With this study was difference in the incidence of goals between games of the times, however, the last time of the second half there was a higher incidence of goal in relation to other periods.

Author Biography

Alexandre de Souza e Silva, Centro Universitário de Itajubá-FEPI

Doutor em Ciências do Desporto - Universidade Trás-os-Montes Alto Douro/PT. Coordenador e Professor do Curso de Educação Fí­sica do Centro Universitário de Itajubá-FEPI.


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How to Cite
Ribeiro, A. G. S. V., Teodoro, L. R., Silva, A. de S. e, Baganha, R. J., Oliveira, J. J., & Lacerda, F. V. (2017). Incidence of gols in the 2014 world cup of football. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 9(33), 160-164. Retrieved from
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