Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2) in professional football athletes of different game positions

  • Matheus de Siqueira Mendes Barbalho Fisioterapia e Educação Fí­sica, Universidade da Amazônia
  • Helton José Dias de Nóvoa Médico Ortopedista e Traumatologista e Fisioterapeuta, UEPA
  • José Carlos Amaral Fisiologista, UEPA
Keywords: VO2max, Football, Ergospirometry, Exercise


The maximum consumption of oxygen (VO2 max) is defined by the maximum pulmonary oxygen capture and by the result of its transport and use during physical exercise. In order to measure it, ergospirometry is the recomended test, due to its capacity to identify the anaerobic limit, as well as allowing higher levels of maximum VO2. This study aimed to compare the maximum consumption of oxygen amongst professional football players in different positions by means of ergospirometry. A group of nine professional football players from the club Tuna Luso Brasileira, Belém, PA, being one goalkeeper, two defenders, two wings, two midfielders and two forwards, all in ages ranging from 19 to 31 years(±23,8), mean height of 179,6 cm (±7,5) and mean weight of 73,1 kg (±6,2). The collected data shows a significance for the position played with the results for VO2max. The results show that midfielders and wings achieved a higher consumption amongst the analysed positions. Goalkeepers, defenders and forwards showed no significant differences in result. Therefore, we can affirm that midfielders and wings, due to higher mobility during a match, obtained higher values during the tests, if compered with the remaining positions studied.


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How to Cite
Barbalho, M. de S. M., Nóvoa, H. J. D. de, & Amaral, J. C. (2017). Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2) in professional football athletes of different game positions. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 9(32), 37-41. Retrieved from
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