Comparative analysis of speed and agility in young football players

  • Samuel Honório Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco - Escola Superior de Educação, Portugal; RECI (Research on Education and Community Intervention)
  • Rui Paulo Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco - Escola Superior de Educação
  • Marco Batista Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco - Escola Superior de Educação
  • Júlio Martins Departamento de Ciências do Desporto, (CIDESD), Covilhã
  • João Petrica Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco - Escola Superior de Educação
  • João Serrano Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco - Escola Superior de Educação
Keywords: t test, Agility Test, FitnessGram, Young people


Objective: This study aims to examine the relationship between agility and speed from the application of T Test, Agility Test, and a speed test of 20m to athletes from youth teams in young levels of training. Methods: The sample consisted in 66 football players, all male, comprising the steps of training (Petizes, Traquinas, Benjamins and Infantis) of the municipal school of football in Vila Nova da Barquinha. The tests were performed on a synthetic sports field in Atalaia, and assessments by grade and categorized according to the tables of FitnessGram tests. Results: We found that the players with the highest agility were the fastest players, and it was observed that both variables of agility and speed increased their performance as the age of the athletes increased also. Conclusions: We conclude that there are positive relationships between agility and speed, extolling the athletes, which showed significant results in these variables, where we see that with increasing of aging the performance of their results was increasing as well. 


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How to Cite
Honório, S., Paulo, R., Batista, M., Martins, J., Petrica, J., & Serrano, J. (2016). Comparative analysis of speed and agility in young football players. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 8(30), 286-293. Retrieved from
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