Relationship between the court sector and the incidence of completions in the adult futsal

  • Anderson Kunze Universidade Regional de Blumenau
  • Michel Wiliam Schlosser Universidade Regional de Blumanau
  • Emerson Antonio Brancher Universidade Regional de Blumenau
Keywords: Futsal, Finishing sector, Futsal goalkeeper, Goals index


This study aimed to analyze the sectors of the court where there are the largest number of kick and find what the sectors that happens the most goals during the men's futsal matches. For this study were analyzed 13 sets of ADHering team during the Santa Catarina Futsal Championship 2012, organized by the FCFS (Santa Catarina Federation of Indoor Soccer). As data collection instrument was used an adapted scout D`Ávila and collaborators (2002) dividing the court in thirteen (13) finishing sectors. In this study were not considered game situations that originated the goals, as positional attack, counterattack, set pieces, goal line and numerical superiority caused by the player with expulsion, because its main purpose was to subsidize training for goalkeeper leaving the position where they were leveled kicks. Only they were considered the submissions which culminated in defense of goalkeeper or goal, being despised the kicks out of the goal. Analyzed in 170 games happened right finishing with 31 goals. With the increased number of terminations came sectors 3 with 15.88% and 4 with 16.47%. However, the highest rate of goals was the completion of sectors 1 and 2, adding together 29.03% of all goals conceded by the team.


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How to Cite
Kunze, A., Schlosser, M. W., & Brancher, E. A. (2016). Relationship between the court sector and the incidence of completions in the adult futsal. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 8(30), 235-241. Retrieved from
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