Assessment of caloric intake and body composition of female futsal athletes in the city of Guarapuava-Paraná 

  • Bruno Moreira Soares Universidade do Centro-oeste (Unicentro)
  • Maria Eduarda Erthal Chagas Universidade do Centro-oeste (Unicentro)
  • Rubia Camila Sehnem Universidade do Centro-oeste (Unicentro)
  • Diogo Cí­rico Nutricionista - Growth Supplements.
Keywords: Food consumption, Anthropometry, Women


It is considered the futsal one of the most practiced sports in Brazil, where athletes should get a balanced diet with enough power supply and nutrients. Objective: This study evaluated the dietary intake and body composition of athletes of female futsal team. Materials and Methods: The study included 20 players. Anthropometric variables were collected to determine body composition. To assess food consumption it used the food register method three days. Was adopted, to analyze the variables, descriptive statistics, Student's t test and the Pearson correlation coefficients for the association of anthropometric and dietary data. Results: The results showed that most athletes are nourished by BMI, but a large part of show adult is overweight by fat percentage, and this occurs in 36.4% of cases. Already 45.5% of adolescents present with moderately high fat percentage, this difference can be explained by the consumption of carbohydrates is greater in adolescents than in adults, making the consumption of lipids is lower for those. The food consumption was noted that 70% of the athletes have demonstrated energy lower than the recommended intake. Conclusion: So there was this study inadequacies as energy consumption and macronutrients throughout the population, and far from ideal fat percentage, thereby emphasizing the need for the professional nutritionist insertion in sports, in order to ensure better food and performance of these competitors.


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How to Cite
Soares, B. M., Chagas, M. E. E., Sehnem, R. C., & Cí­ricoD. (2016). Assessment of caloric intake and body composition of female futsal athletes in the city of Guarapuava-Paraná . RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 8(29), 129-141. Retrieved from
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