Good performance and Fans cheering: An analysis of the relation between performance on field and fans coming to the matches of football

  • Nadielli Galvão UFPE
  • Nadianne Galvão ETEMAC
Keywords: Performance, Football, Crowd


This study aimed to identify variables that have relation with the outcome of football matches and verify that the performance of the club and analyzed the outcome of the games influence the satisfaction of their fans. For this regression analyzes were carried out between the end of the game and variables like game site, tactics variables as the ball, number of submissions, assists, certain passes, among other defenses and the number of field fans. Regressions were also held between the final outcome of a match and the number of spectators in the next game to see if the outcome of a game influences the public satisfaction and motivation of this watch in the next game field. The results show that variables such as game site, number of assists and submissions are significant in explaining the outcome of the game. However fans cheering were not relevant to explain the score of the match while the final result was not significant in explaining the crowd's participation in the following matches.


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How to Cite
Galvão, N., & Galvão, N. (2016). Good performance and Fans cheering: An analysis of the relation between performance on field and fans coming to the matches of football. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 8(28), 52-58. Retrieved from
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