Factors for motivation or demotivation for participating in physical education classes 

  • Leandro Coutinho Vilela de Carvalho Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu da Universidade Estácio de Sá - Pedagogia do Esporte Educacional
Keywords: Motivation, Demotivation, Physical Education


Introduction: In this current day and age, it is becoming increasingly difficult to motivate students to participate in Physical Education (P.E.) classes. In this sense, teachers must take adequate measures to ensure P.E. "evasion" does not occur in their classes. Purpose: the aim of this study was to identify the principle factors that cause students to be either motivated or demotivated in P.E. classes. Materials and Methods: To achieve this, students were asked to complete a questionnaire containing an array of situations, of which results provided adequate information on their stance towards P.E. Results: Factors such as the high temperature of the court, peer criticism and consequent frustration/emotional damage, were deemed as highly demotivating. However, results also showed a "healthier" list of motivational factors. The most frequent responses tended to be the variety of activities available and the subsequent feeling of confidence when achieving the set objective(s), the elation of participating with peers, and the ongoing encouragement from a dedicated teacher. Discussion: Without a doubt, the most prominent information received was the fundamental importance of the P.E. teacher's presence as a role model and motivating factor. Additionally, an increase of motivation was perceived whenever the teacher took measures to avoid the aforementioned factors responsible for demotivation. Conclusion: Motivational and de-motivational factors share a strong connection in the sense that teacher intervention, in both instances, is considered key to greater student participation in P.E. classes.

Author Biography

Leandro Coutinho Vilela de Carvalho, Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu da Universidade Estácio de Sá - Pedagogia do Esporte Educacional

Instituto Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Ensino em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio


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How to Cite
Carvalho, L. C. V. de. (2016). Factors for motivation or demotivation for participating in physical education classes . RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 7(27), 548-553. Retrieved from https://www.rbff.com.br/index.php/rbff/article/view/355
Articles: Special Edition