Characterizing profile and analysis of goals the 2013 FIFA World Cup of Beach Soccer

  • Edvaldo pedroza junior Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Henrique Gerson Kohl Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Breno Guilherme de Araujo Tinoco Cabral Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Keywords: FIFA Word Cup 2013, Beach Soccer, Character profile, Goals analysis


The present studies were analyses,interpreted and characterize the types of offensive actions, spatial zones of finalizing where the goals were scored, average goals, more positive attacks,during which time the goals were scored and the percentage of ownership ball games played in the FIFA World Cup 2013. At first, 32 games made from broadcasts by Bandeirantes TV and SPORTV channels were analyzed, and observations made through the videos of goals provided by official FIFA website. With respect to statistical procedures resorted to descriptive statistics. In a second step, analyzed data were compared to the relevant scientific literature. Analyzing the data collected, it was observed that 231 goals were scored in the 32 matches played during the world cup, an average of 7.2 goals per game, goals occurring in all types of offensive actions standardized, but with a higher percentage of positional attack.Regarding the spatial zones, we use classification standard goals occurred in almost all of the zones, with the exception of two spatial zones, with most occurring in the center offensive zone. We note that occurred goals through the entire offensive tactic actions, being the positional attack and the dead ball the most effective ways of reaching the goal.Regarding the zone of origin ofthe goal,occurred in almost all of them, with the exception of the left and right defensive zone. We can say that the most goals occurred with positional attack in the central offensive zone and in the final minutes, with the winning team with more possession.


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How to Cite
junior, E. pedroza, Kohl, H. G., & Cabral, B. G. de A. T. (2015). Characterizing profile and analysis of goals the 2013 FIFA World Cup of Beach Soccer. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 7(25), 366-372. Retrieved from
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