The perfect penalty

  • Carlos Augusto Dorathioto Jr. Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da Universidade Estácio de Sá - Futebol e Futsal: As Ciências do Esporte e a Metodologia do Treinamento
Keywords: Football, High yield, Penalty, Psychology


Introduction: Involved in the dark silence of the stadium, the player walks up to the mark of lime, which many claim to be an eternity that path to the ball, and your mind are several situations both hit about the error. And after the referee's permission to that which fits best trained to run the maximum penalty or the sort of player that day? Objective: Review the best way to accomplish the recovery of a penalty and the consequences that moment back to the football player. Materials and Methods: The study is a nature documentary, free access to information via websites, television programs, and scientific articles. Results: The collection is perfect penalty kick in the middle of the top four at a speed exceeding 80 km / h rectangles. It is noteworthy that the location of the kick should be among the top four rectangles, it is a difficult place into the goal, but not risky if the collector err a bit on accuracy. Discussion: There is a neurophysiologic (mind / body) direct relationship between the imagined artificial experience and actual performance. When a person imagines himself performing a certain activity, such as kicking and make the goal small amounts of neural activity can be measured by your entire body. There are several aspects that affect a player will perform when charging fee as the psychological (stress and anxiety), ability (using good technique) and physiological (to resist after 120 minutes of play). Conclusion: After the study and research on the penalty, but technical and psychological training to perform optimally the penalty kick, beating all the tension, stress and anxiety that precede such a time extraordinary and decisive football.


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How to Cite
Dorathioto Jr., C. A. (2015). The perfect penalty. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 7(25), 349-354. Retrieved from
Scientific Articles - Original