Musculoskeletal injuries of professional footvall players during the Paraense Cup of 2013

  • Gabriel Augusto Remí­gio Lima do Nascimento Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Mariana Garcia Lisboa Borges Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Paulo Victor Nascimento De Souza Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Dirvalci de Lima Sanches Júnior Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • José Maria Furtado Júnior Unidade de Ensino Assistência de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional (UEAFTO-UEPA)
Keywords: Injuries in Athletes, Sports medicine, Football, Traumatology


The study aims to analyze the musculoskeletal injuries of professional football players in a club in Belém-Pará, Brazil during the state championship in the year of 2013. For this, it was performed a cross-sectional study that examined 25 athletes from football field of Paysandu Sport Club through a questionnaire containing 15 questions of the closed type, this was answered directly by respondents. It was investigated physical information such as weight and height, and professional information about the training and tournament games. From the respondents athletes, nine (36%) reported injuries during the championship. The most cited are sprained ankle, sprained knee, and thigh strain and back pain (18.18% each). The majority of these injuries occurred during training (54.55%), by direct contact and repetitive movement (36.4%) in players aged between 21 and 25 years (77.8%), and midfielders were the most affected (44.44%). The results corroborate the findings of the literature, in which it is realized that the majority of injuries occur in younger individuals and are kind of bruises and sprains, mainly affecting the lower limbs due to the nature of the sport. Therefore, it was concluded that the investigation of prevalent injuries in football players is very important for prevention actions.


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How to Cite
do Nascimento, G. A. R. L., Borges, M. G. L., De Souza, P. V. N., Sanches Júnior, D. de L., & Furtado Júnior, J. M. (2015). Musculoskeletal injuries of professional footvall players during the Paraense Cup of 2013. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 7(25), 290-296. Retrieved from
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