Analysis of vertical jump in the elementary school athletes of the sub-15 to sub-17 feminine from Rio Grande da Serra, São Paulo

  • José Donizete Botelho Universidade Estácio de Sá. EE Padre Giuseppi Pisoni - Escola da Família Rio Grande da Serra - PEB II - Professor de Educação Fí­sica
Keywords: Futsal, Football, Vertical jump, Physiology, Power


The vertical jump has been highlighted in the literature as a primary method of measurement of power of lower limbs for athletes and physically active subjects. In fact, this is integral to motor action sports such as volleyball, handball, football, basketball and athletics certain part. The aim was to evaluate and compare two vertical jumps, known as JUMP TEST SARGENT. 12 female athletes football and futsal , Escola Estadual Padre Giuseppe Pisoni from Rio Grande da Serra, Sao Paulo were evaluated in the training phase. The athletes have an average age between 14 and 17 years. After familiarization test, the vertical jump was assessed. The study results had a difference between the heels and the average score for the first jump was 0.24cm and the second jump was 0.34cm of football and futsal. Moreover, for women's categories, there are not many data in the literature for future reference. These parameters are important in practice, so that the coach can track the performance of athletes undergoing evaluation. In conclusion, there was a small increase vertical jump with the data obtained in the two tests, and in practice a significant performance improvement.

Author Biography

José Donizete Botelho, Universidade Estácio de Sá. EE Padre Giuseppi Pisoni - Escola da Família Rio Grande da Serra - PEB II - Professor de Educação Fí­sica

Educação Fí­sica, Futsal, Futebol


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How to Cite
Botelho, J. D. (2016). Analysis of vertical jump in the elementary school athletes of the sub-15 to sub-17 feminine from Rio Grande da Serra, São Paulo. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 7(27), 512-516. Retrieved from
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