Anthropometric evaluation of flag football players by different double indirect protocols

  • Tatiane Medeiros Lima Centro Universitário São Camilo, Brasil, São Paulo, SP
  • Antonio Costa Carneiro Centro Universitário São Camilo, Brasil, São Paulo, SP
  • Tânia Rodrigues RGNutri Consultoria em Nutrição, Brasil, São Paulo, SP
  • Ana Beatriz Barrella RGNutri Consultoria em Nutrição, Brasil, São Paulo, SP
  • Luciana Rossi Centro Universitário São Camilo, Brasil, São Paulo, SP
Keywords: Physical activity, Nutritional assessment, Anthropometry, Football


The Flag Football holds many similarities to rugby, but with less contact and use of flag that makes stop play. The objective was to assess the body composition of 24 players flag football with different anthropometric equations. It was observed that the proposed two equations have values of fat percentage statistically significant and could not be used as equivalents. For future developments would be essential to assess the body composition with the use of indirect method.


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How to Cite
Lima, T. M., Carneiro, A. C., Rodrigues, T., Barrella, A. B., & Rossi, L. (2016). Anthropometric evaluation of flag football players by different double indirect protocols. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 9(32), 3-7. Retrieved from
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