Analysis of the performance evolution on the execution of individual technical fundamentals of underage frontline defensive Futsal players before and after specific and intensive training

  • Marco Aurélio Paganella UNISA - Universidade de Santo Amaro/SP. UNIÍTALO - Centro Universitário Ítalo Brasileiro/SP. UGF - Universidade Gama Filho/SP
Keywords: Football, Futsal, Defensive fundamentals, Specific and intensive work, Evolution assessment


Futsal is divided into five major areas: a) aspects related to Infrastructure, b) Physical, c) Psychological, d) Tactical, e) Technical, which are divided into two parts, the offensive and defensive, being this last one the object of this study aimed at the development of the performance of individual technical fundamentals of defensive frontline Futsal players, aged ten, eleven and twelve years old, before and after specific and intensive instruction on individual defense. The sample of eight male subjects is justified by the fact that this is the maximum number of players that can be on the court. The anamnesis was adapted to the Technical Evaluation Protocol advocated by Martin and Paganella (2013), divided into three parts and, which include in the first one the parameters, in the second one the processes, procedures and physical structure, and in the third one the documentation sheets. The material is comprised by eight soccer balls, vests, whistle, a clipboard and sheets for notes. In the method, after the first assessment, four seventy minutes specific marking sessions were conducted using activities from the Resolutive/Natural/Indirect method of the Pedagogy of the Sport and the Integrated Method, and one more assessment to gauge adaptation. After that, twelve more seventy minute sessions were performed, to then carry the third and final analysis. From the sixteen sessions, twelve were based on methods already noted and other four on the Constructed/Repetitive/Direct and/or Partial/Analytical method. Once the results of the discussions were tabulated, it was observed that the progress in the implementation of defensive fundamentals were below expectations, because, in general terms, only 25 % of the cases presented real progress, which means that, in this context, the specific and intensive work was not effective. As a reflexive, collateral and indirect perception, it was noted that the option for the Natural/Resolutive/Indirect method, the Pedagogy of the Spot and the Integrated Method in a 3/4 (three quarters) base, might not have been the best choice as opposed to the other method (Partial/Analytical, Constructed/Repetitive/Direct) utilized on 1/4 (one fourth) of the class sessions. As a point to highlight, if on one side the performance on the execution was stagnated, on the other, the sportive practice, despite the performance, remained strong in the speech of the students, who expressed pleasure in playing sports without expectations and the pressure to win, which is something that can bring much more individual and social benefits to everyone, than simply winning a match.

Author Biography

Marco Aurélio Paganella, UNISA - Universidade de Santo Amaro/SP. UNIÍTALO - Centro Universitário Ítalo Brasileiro/SP. UGF - Universidade Gama Filho/SP

Prof. de Direito Constitucional, Teoria do Estado e da Constituição, Ciência Polí­tica, História do Direito e do Pensamento Jurí­dico, Direito Tributário, Introdução ao Estudo do Direito, Orientador de TCCs e de Iniciação Cientí­fica do Curso de Direito UNISA - Universidade de Santo Amaro - São Paulo - SP.

Prof. de Polí­ticas Públicas, Futebol, Futsal, Adm. Esportiva e Mkt. Esportivo, Técnicas de Estudo e Pesquisa e Metodologia da Pesquisa Cientí­fica, Orientador de TCCs e de Iniciação Cientí­fica do Curso de Educação Fí­sica UNISA - SP.

Prof. Assistente do PAEC - Programa Atividades Esportivas à Comunidade Acadêmica e Externa do Curso de Educação Fí­sica UNISA - SP.

Prof. do Curso de Educação Fí­sica UNIÍTALO - Centro Universitário Ítalo Brasileiro - São Paulo - SP.

Consultoria Esportiva Marco Aurélio Paganella - CREF nº 1.472/G-SP.

Advocacia Marco Aurélio Paganella - OAB nº 211.123/SP.

Coordenador Geral de Esportes, Professor e Técnico de Futebol, Futsal e Futebol Society do Clube Esportivo Helvetia de São Paulo/SP de1990 a2009.

Natural de Esmeralda - RS:


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How to Cite
Paganella, M. A. (2015). Analysis of the performance evolution on the execution of individual technical fundamentals of underage frontline defensive Futsal players before and after specific and intensive training. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 7(24), 169-180. Retrieved from
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