The cholesterol level among a group of peoplewho praticed aerobic exercises related to theones who practice futsal

  • Daniel Baitala Pograma de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da UGF em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio: Prescrição do Exercí­cio
  • Francisco Navarro Pograma de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da UGF em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio: Prescrição do Exercí­cio
Keywords: Football, Cholesterol, Aerobic physical activity


Nowadays, many people are suffering from aproblem which is increasing gradually inseveral countries in the world, the heartdisease. The heart problem can be caused bymany reasons, among these matters we canmention, smoking, high blood pressure,obesity, heritage, level of cholesterol and alsolack of physical exercises. It is know thatpeople who have a sedentary life, the risk ofgetting a cardiac failure is higher than in theones who work out constantly. While a personis practicing exercises, it is noticed that theblood cholesterol level alters what brings abenefit to this person. What is still unknown iswhich exercise intensity or what kind ofphysical activity gets better results in thecholesterol levels. The aim of this research isto relate the two groups of people’s cholesterollevels in the which physical activities arepracticed. However, the intensity is different. Agroup practiced hiking, five times a week, fortwo months, the other trained FUTSAL 6 timesa weed. Futsal produces high intensity ofanaerobic exercises. During this amount oftime, the gave blood for three rimes once amonth. According to the results reached in thissurvey, it was noticed a possible get over inblood cholesterol levels in the ones whopracticed a moderated aerobic exercisecompared to the ones who practiced FUTSAL.


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How to Cite
Baitala, D., & Navarro, F. (2009). The cholesterol level among a group of peoplewho praticed aerobic exercises related to theones who practice futsal. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 1(3). Retrieved from
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