Maximum oxygen consumption and games reduced in football

  • Alberto Fernandes Pereira Junior Universidade Gama Filho
Keywords: Fiel football, Reduced games, VO2 max, Physical preparation


Introduction: Physical training nowadays is increasingly engaging in the game itself, for this, we use reduced games to work various physical capabilities. Aim: This study evaluated whether reduced through the games in football field, there would be an increase in the body's ability to absorb and transport oxygen to the muscles. Materials and Methods: We used eight football players, youth category, they were tested for determination of the individual maximal oxygen uptake, and 6 players repeated the test, used to test application, dishes for circuit (half cone hat Chinese ), a box of brand ONER amplifier, model BLOCK 20TU a net book brand and model Azuz, bic pens, pencils faber castell, annotation sheet test and mp3 audio of the test run and also a tape of professional brand of Western 5 meters, data were collected by the team coach and the author of the research. The statistic used was descriptive. Results: It was found that there was an evolution of the first test against the second, varying only according to the players. Discussion: The results showed that with training through games, provided the players constant displacements, while increasing the degree of difficulty is increased by the stimulus that had been adapted, creating an overload that makes players able to increase their maximum capacity for oxygen utilization. Conclusion: There was an increase in both maximum oxygen consumption as the distance walked.

Author Biography

Alberto Fernandes Pereira Junior, Universidade Gama Filho


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How to Cite
Pereira Junior, A. F. (2015). Maximum oxygen consumption and games reduced in football. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 7(24), 165-168. Retrieved from
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