The importance of futsal for cognitive, affective and psychomotor development

  • Rubem Machado Filho Prefeitura da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
Keywords: Futsal, Psychomotricity, Schoolchildren


The study aimed to make an approach to the importance of futsal to the affective, cognitive and psychomotor development of teenagers in the second segment of elementary school. The research universe was composed of 82 male and female students of state elementary scholl Rui Barbosa in Petrópolis, RJ. The choice of this scholl did not follow any specific criterion, only the ease of access for researcher. About male and female students, were chosen for the sample individuals between 13 and 15 years old and these should also be practicing football in schools of clubs, on the streets, public spaces or in school physical education classes at least once a week. So, only those who practice futsal are presents at this survey, for a better analysis of the benefits that futsal brings to the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains at vision of these students. According to the responses, we can see that at least once a week the most of the young practice futsal in their spare time, thus affirming that futsal is present in our culture and day to day, besides to practice it at classes or futsal schools as obtained in other answers.


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How to Cite
Filho, R. M. (2014). The importance of futsal for cognitive, affective and psychomotor development. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 6(22). Retrieved from
Articles: Special Edition