Analysis of cardiorespiratory fitness in futsal players in module II, School Our Lady of the State Sponsor, Virginópolis -Minas Gerais
In recent decades, physical inactivity has become more frequent in children, due to the growth rate of technological advances. The result of this inactivity causes humans to become increasingly less dependent on their physical abilities. Futsal ischaracterized with a lot of game dynamics, requiring practitioners a high capacity speed, agility, endurance, muscular strength and cardiorespiratory fitness. The present study aims to analyze the cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max) in futsal team module II, a school city Virginópolis. The sample consisted of 12 students aged between 13 and 16 years, which were collected anthropometric measurements, and VO2máx was calculated with the equation has published Y= 31,025 + 3,238X –3,248A + 0,1536AX. The data show students have characteristics within the benchmarks, where age (15.41 ± 0.99) and BMI (21.37 ± 1.77 kg/m2) classifying the sample as healthy. Cardiorespiratory capacity of the groups is within the standards established by FITNESSGRAM for healthy fitness zone with VO2max 51.93 ± 4.98 ml /kg/min. We conclude that the study population showed a good performance in the coming and going of 20 meters
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