Female football in school: a perspective of girls of elementary education

  • Felipe Kerne Universidade Gama Filho
Keywords: Football, Feminine, School


The Physical Education in Brazil has in collective sports the main content of its classes, among the most offered are volleyball, football, basketball, handball. So football became the tool most often used in physical education classes, as Brazil is considered the country of football. But we know that for many years this sport was culturally considered a male sport and turned women away from this practice. The present study aimed to analyze the current situation of women's football in the elementary school environment, seeking to identify what is the perspective of the students to the practice of this sport at school. Data were collected through a closed questionnaire applied to 89 students in 6th and 7th grade education enrolled at the public schools in the city of Imbé. The results show that 89% of girls participating in the survey have already had some experience with football in physical education classes, and 72% of participants indicated that girls usually play football at their schools, and the space for the practice of sport still is dominated by boys, football ranked at second place, in the preference of girls between the most popular sports in the school environment with 38%, volleyball training had 42% preference. We conclude that the girls have practiced football at school and show interest in the same, which features a change of scenery compared with similar studiesdeveloped at the previous decade.


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How to Cite
Kerne, F. (2014). Female football in school: a perspective of girls of elementary education. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 6(22). Retrieved from https://www.rbff.com.br/index.php/rbff/article/view/249
Articles: Special Edition