Profile and analysis of goals of Brazilian beach soccerteamin intercontinental cup Dubai 2012

  • Edvaldo Pedroza Junior Universidade Gama Filho
  • Guilherme Toscano Cavalcanti Graduado em Educação Fí­sica pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Keywords: Brazilian Team, Beach Soccer, Character profile, Goals analysis


Introduction: For Leitão (2004), in most sportive modalities the obtainment of differentkinds of information can be the threshold between the preparation that leads to success and that which leads to failure. Hence, we consider the game analysis of fundamental importance in collective sports. Objective: The present studies were analyses, interpreted and characterize the types of offensive actions as well as spatial zones of finalization where the goals were scored by the Brazilian National Beach Soccer Team at the 2012 Samsung Intercontinental Cup. Materials and Methods: At first we analyzed only as observers and through DVDs the 25 goals scored in the five matches played by the Brazilian Beach Soccer Team, regarding the statistical procedures we went through the descriptive statistics of the absolute, relative and average kind. Yet in a second moment, the data analyzed and classified by spatial zone and offensive action were compared to pertinent scientific literature. Results: Analyzingthe data collected, it was possible to observe that the Brazilian Beach Soccer Team scored 25 goals in five matches, goal occurringin allkinds of standardized offensive actions, but with a higher percentage of incidences of positional attack followed by a dead ball. Regarding the spatial zones we use a classification standard goals occurredin almost all of the zones with the exception of two spatial zones. There being greater occurrencein the average right zone followed by the left offensive zone. Discussion: Thegoals occurred through the entire offensive tactic actions being the positional attack and dead ball the most effective forms to get to the goal post, however, regarding the zone of origin of the goal, goals happened in almost all of them, with the exception of the left defensive and the right offensive zones. Conclusion: We believe that the results obtained in this study may serve as a methodological reference for training organization and elaboration considering that there is virtually no scientific production related to the theme


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How to Cite
Junior, E. P., & Cavalcanti, G. T. (2013). Profile and analysis of goals of Brazilian beach soccerteamin intercontinental cup Dubai 2012. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 6(19). Retrieved from
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