Comparison between the methodology of systemic approach and methodology technicality: reasons to promote the teaching and learning process of the JEC through games

  • Luiz Fernando A. Serpa Filgueiras
Keywords: Sport pedagogy, Training methodology, Team sports games, Sports initiation


This study, about sport pedagogy area, shows information on training methodologies, specifically the methodology of systemic approach and methodology technicist, and aimed to demonstrate the reasons why we use the systemic methodology, rather than the method technicality. Through a literature review, we presented opinions of various authors and athletic coaches regarding the sport pedagogy. We concluded that it should not use analytical exercises, be at the ages of initiation or as specialization, regardless of the level of students, we provide learning through games of JEC, introducing, like this, the complexity and unpredictability of the game in learning.

Author Biography

Luiz Fernando A. Serpa Filgueiras

Professor de Educação Fí­sica / treinador de futsal (categorias de base)


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How to Cite
A. Serpa Filgueiras, L. F. (2014). Comparison between the methodology of systemic approach and methodology technicality: reasons to promote the teaching and learning process of the JEC through games. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 6(22). Retrieved from
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