Analysis of the factors determining the goal in women’s futsal

  • Gabriela Barreto David Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel. Brasil
  • Luan Merseburger Picanço Escola Superior de Educação Fí­sica - Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Felipe Fossati Reichert Escola Superior de Educação Fí­sica - Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Keywords: Goals, Line goalkeeper, Technical performance


Introduction: Futsal has been expanding worldwide. In the game the central objective is thegoal, because its amount determines the outcome of the match. Therefore, it is important to study the determinants of goal and meet influential variables in its obtaining, as the place and time that it occurs, the move sources, the technical performance or how other variables can contribute to the planning of the training of the teams. Objective: To evaluate the incidence of goals and associated factors in women's futsal Championship matches of Rio Grande do Sul State in 2011. Materials and methods: It wasanalyzed 12 matches of Universidade Católica de Pelotas (UCPel) in the State Championship, women's Futsal in 2011. Through video and the score sheetit were analyzed variables associated with the marking of goals, among them, the time of occurrence (firstor second), the influence of the row goalkeeper, technical performance of the team at the time of the goal and the court sector that led to the goal. Results: Over the games there were 28 goals scored in favor and 63 against the UCPel. The largest number occurred in the final 10 minutes of the matches and originated in the opposite area. The influence of the row goalkeeper was small and only in the final moments. Technical performance aspects such as disarmament and missed passes have correlation with goals scored and conceded. Conclusion: It is suggested to emphasize the training in techniques and tactics similar to those actions that happen in the final minutes and reorganize defensive systems used to protect your area, because it is within it that occur more goals

Author Biography

Gabriela Barreto David, Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel. Brasil


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How to Cite
David, G. B., Picanço, L. M., & Reichert, F. F. (2013). Analysis of the factors determining the goal in women’s futsal. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 6(19). Retrieved from
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