Comparison of levels of growth and development of motor capcity of scool futsal practitioners and physical genereral city Guarulhos-SP

  • Rubem Machado Filho Mestre em Educação Física (UNIMEP/SP); Prefeitura Municipal do Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Prefeitura Municipal de Magé/RJ.
Keywords: Schoolchildren, Growth, Development


The study aimed to analyze and compare the anthropometric and neuromuscular capabilities schoolchildren aged 11 to 13 years, a public school located in Guarulhos (SP). The sample consisted of 24 students. For the statistical analysis was used to verify data normality test SHAPIRO WILK. For parametric data we used the “t” test and for nonparametric data was used the WILCOXON test. We adopted a significance level of 5%. The data were processed with SPSS 13.0. With these results, we can conclude that the results reported by children in general, were satisfactory for health maintenance.

How to Cite
Filho, R. M. (2013). Comparison of levels of growth and development of motor capcity of scool futsal practitioners and physical genereral city Guarulhos-SP. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 5(17). Retrieved from
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