The influence of regular practice in futsal training professional athletes football club athletic paranaense

  • Pedro da Cunha Neto Sotero Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho em Futebol e Futsal: as Ciências do Esporte e Metodologia do Treinamento
Keywords: Futsal, Football, Influence


Emerged the interest to relate Futsal and Footballin order to identify if there is any influence of Futsal practice to develop technical and cognitive aspects in the formation of the Professional Football Athlete of Clube Atlético Paranaense. A research was conducted where 30 professional players with ages between 18 and 40 years old, these randomly chosen and having a contract with Atlético Paranaense, answered a survey containing seven questions. The analysis was performed using the Relative Frequency, percentage of the answers. We obtained the following results: 77% of the interviewed players used to regularly play Futsal, and 48% played for more than 5 years. The sub-11 and sub-13 categories had higher participation and the federated level, beyond the participation, presented a great influence on the athlete’s formation. According to interviewees, the pass and dribble/feint fundamentals were the most developed. They all believe that playing Futsal helps in the technical and intelligence development in the Football game, and practice in federated level is what influences the most. Of the interviewees, 57% believe that in Futsal it is necessary to think more than in Football, and 43% believe in the opposite. A great number of practitioners is a consequence of a large number of public courts and multisport gymnasium to practice Futsal. The practice of Futsal for a more than 5 years period helps in the skills development. In the federated level, mostly disputed by clubs, they seek to develop a training for a particular efficiency, and athletes with certain potential seek to practice Futsal at this same level. The Futsal and Football fundamentals are similar, and both sports require intelligence to play. The Futsal positively influences the formation of professional football players of Clube Atlético Paranaense.


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How to Cite
Sotero, P. da C. N. (2013). The influence of regular practice in futsal training professional athletes football club athletic paranaense. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 5(17). Retrieved from
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