Analyzing the behavior of young athletes by interference of futsal fans during competition

  • Adinã Fernandes Leme Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho - Futebol e Futsal: As Ciências do Esporte e Metodologia do Treinamento
Keywords: Futsal, Behavior, Investigate, Performance


This paper presents the results of questionnaires designed to investigate young athletes in relation to the supporters behavior and its influence on the athlete’s performance during the futsal’s game. We know that the supporters have an important ability of influencing the performance of athletes, which can at times act as a motivational or a stressful factor, depending on features related to the person and the situation, in different amount in each athlete. For being young athletes in process of personality development, many authors suggest that this lack of maturity leads to lack of concentration and stress due to the pressure put by the supporter’s crowd, showing more difficulties in controlling their emotions and reactions. This paper confirms the suspicion of young athlete’s behavior under the intervention of the supporters reacting positively or negatively, showing emotional balance in some situations and unbalance during the match.


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How to Cite
Leme, A. F. (2013). Analyzing the behavior of young athletes by interference of futsal fans during competition. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 5(17). Retrieved from
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