Process of selection and draft of football athletes form the category under 15 in Pernambuco

  • Edvaldo Torres Pedroza Junior Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho em Futebol e Futsal: A Ciência do Esporte e a Metodologia do Treinamento
Keywords: Football, Talent selection, Under-15, Pernambuco


Objective: The present work will collect, interpret and understand data regarding the selection process applied to male football athletes from the category Under 15. Materials and Methods: Firstly, a structured questionnaire with ten questions was applied face to face to the social actors who directly participate in the selection process of clubs such as Náutico Capibaribe, Sport Recife, Santa Cruz and Atlético do Porto. Later, the data from the questionnaire were analyzed based on the relevant scientific literature. Considering the data collected, this work used the descriptive statistics like absolute, relative and average frequency. Results: It was found that, regarding the selection process, clubs in Pernambuco still use the draft as the main way of access of youngsters to the clubs. Besides, it was observed that main selection criterion considered is the technical aspect presented by the athlete, the preference of clubs is for strikers, that most athletes are selected from the metropolitan area of Recife and the goalkeeper position is the most difficult to find. Discussion: Throughout the work we will engage with the relevant scientific literature review and make the necessary comparisons. Conclusion: It was found that there is no consensus either about an adequate way to identify young talents, or regarding the age or methodology used for this. For this it would be very important to restructure, organize and createmanagerial processes of order to professionalize the department basis, creating a unique department in the capture and management of grassroots football.


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How to Cite
Junior, E. T. P. (2013). Process of selection and draft of football athletes form the category under 15 in Pernambuco. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 5(16). Retrieved from
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