Football class: traditional sport pedagogy x new trends in sport pedagogy at the vision of students

  • Leonardo Heim Espitalher Universidade Gama Filho
  • Antonio Coppi Navarro Instituto Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Ensino em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio (IBPEFEX)
Keywords: Football, Technician methodology, Game methodology


This study presents as the main theme the difference between the Traditional Sport Pedagogy (Technical Methodology) and the New Trends in Sport Pedagogy (Methodology of Game) at the evaluation of the students of Escolinha de Futebol Show de Gols in the city of Guaíba. The goal is to find out which methodology is most accepted by the students. The method used was the descriptive research through a demonstrative class with both methods and the application of a questionnaire to thirty-nine participants ranging from ten to fifteen years old. As a result, it was observed that 92.31% of the interviewed students preferred the game Methodology and 56.41% ofthem showed that the method which teachers use more often is the mixed one (mixture of both methods). Keeping the previous percentage in mind, the Game Methodology is considered the most effective in terms of learning. This methodology, according to 51.28% of the interviewed students, is the one that professional players use, in addition it is considered more fun to practice and it is also the one which should be applied by teachers in their classes according to 82.95%. Besides, it was noticed that the Technical Methodology has already been practiced by 56.41% of the research population while only 48.72% have already practiced the Game Methodology. For 58.97% of the interviewed students the Game Methodology was the easiest method to understand and for 51.28% it was the easiest to execute. According to the analyzed data, the Game Methodology predominated over the TechnicalMethodology in the preference of the interviewed students, however the first is not the most used one by teachers


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How to Cite
Espitalher, L. H., & Navarro, A. C. (2014). Football class: traditional sport pedagogy x new trends in sport pedagogy at the vision of students. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 6(22). Retrieved from
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