Valeu of futsal as a means of moral development of teenagers with difficulty in social relations
The objective of this study was to establish a reflexive theory concerning the value of futsal, as a means of moral development in adolescents with difficult in the social relationship. In order to assure that we attain the objectives of this respective study, we visited the theories of a number of authors preoccupied with the respective study, as well as other authors who have searched for alternative measures pertaining to the subject. The adolescents, who are in a troubled phase, from a physical, psychiatric, moral, or social standpoint and who oftentimes find themselves in situations of risk, may require a more moral based education. This education should attract the attention of these adolescents, and may be realized through an activity such as futsal, which along with other sports, most notably collective sports, may be an optimum form of building proper moral education among adolescents, in that in helps to be developed through training, cooperation, respect for their opponents, tolerance for the difficulty of others, honesty, the sense of group, justice, respect for the rules, as well as a number of other values which are intrinsically connected to futsal, but which must be helped built by the coach.
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