Analysis of the front of physical education teachers regarding your knowledge, use and diversification of methodos in the teaching of sports games collective

  • Andreza Gonçalves Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho em Pedagogia do Esporte e Treinamento dos Jogos Desportivos Coletivos
Keywords: Sport pedagogy, Physical education, Teaching methods, Team sports games


The educational process is a constant challenge as way to be more effective and fruit ful teaching of Collective Sports Games (CSG). This study aimed to analyze about their knowledge, use and diversification of methods teaching of Collective Sports Games (CSG). Were considered in this research sample twenty-two (22) teachers Physical Education who worked inseveral institutions with sport, of both sexes and a mean age of 29.18 years. They ans were da questionnaire closed seven (7) questions with answers innumerical values cale from zero to ten (0-10). The research showed that in questions 1,2 and 3 teachers had a good score on the knowledge of the methods, issues 4,5 and 6 have the same preference for the method in question 7 Global and there was a note considered low as the diversification of the method in the classroom. We consider then the end of this researcht hat teaching JEC still relies heavily on lessons with repetitions of gestures or work with entire games without major adaptations of rules or spaces, however it was noted also an interest in change.


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How to Cite
Gonçalves, A. (2012). Analysis of the front of physical education teachers regarding your knowledge, use and diversification of methodos in the teaching of sports games collective. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 4(14). Retrieved from
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