The moment of goal at Futsal World Cup in 2004

  • Antonio Coppi Navarro Instituto Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Ensino em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio, IBPEFEX. Programa de Pos-Graduação Stricto-Sensu em Engenharia Biomédica, UMC
  • Julio Sergio Costa Instituto Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Ensino em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio, IBPEFEX
Keywords: Futsal, World Cup, Goal Moment, Goal


Objective: To quantify the moments of most incidences of goals during the World Cup of Futsal in 2004. Materials and methods: 16 national selections of Futsal that played in world cup of Futsal in 2004; forty summaries of FIFA, counted 16 teams in the first phase of classification in 4 groups with 4 teams in a total 24 games. The second phase of classification were 8 teams in 2 groups, with 4 selections in a total of 12 games, and the semifinals phase were 4 teams with 2 games and the final phase were 4 teams also in 2 games, being 2 teams disputing the third place, and 2 disputing the first place; based on official summaries, tabulated the moment when occurred the goals, the table was organized with the total time of the game, 40 minutes, and 4 quarters of 10 minutes, like this 0 to 10 minutes; 11 to 20 minutes; 21 to 30 minutes; 31 to 40 minutes; the seconds belonged to the next minute. For the statistical treatment, used absolute frequency, relative frequency, media frequency. Discussion: It is interesting to note with regard to final minutes of the game that this phenomenon is similar to Football World Cup in 2006, Germany (Navarro, Almeida e Navarro, 2007), Football Paulista Federation Cup in 2005, (Manzanares e Navarro, 2007), in Gaucho Football Championship in 2006(Oliveira e Navarro, 2007). Conclusion: Based on collected data, we can conclude the goals occur in all quarters of time, but when we analyze the whole event, the higher incidence falls on the final 10 minutes of the game, this tendency we note in the first phase and in the semifinals, in second phase there was an increasing the incidence of goals from first to the third quarter of the game with an abrupt fall in the last 10 minutes of the game.


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How to Cite
Navarro, A. C., & Costa, J. S. (2009). The moment of goal at Futsal World Cup in 2004. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 1(2). Retrieved from
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